  • 片側ホイールレーキ 片側ホイールレーキ


Shuoxin は、中国で長年の経験を持つ片面ホイールレーキのメーカーおよびサプライヤーです。当社の片側ホイールハローは、トラクターの後部 3 点サスペンション装置に吊り下げるのに適しており、作動部分は歯付き指板です。当社の歯は、ホイールハブに放射状の構造を形成する長いバネ鋼の歯であり、風の影響を排除し、塵の通過を容易にします。



Whether you want to clean your fields, tidy up your yard, or maintain your farm or pasture, the Shuoxin single side wheel rake is the perfect tool to accomplish this task. The design of this single-sided wheeled rake takes into account farmers and ranchers, making it perfect for cleaning large areas of grass, leaves, and other debris. With its single-sided wheel design, it can easily navigate through rugged terrain while maintaining stability and balance.

The Shuoxin single side wheel rake is durable and can withstand frequent use and harsh weather conditions, ensuring that it can provide you with good service in season after season.

Shuoxin single side wheel rake sets a benchmark in the wheel harrow market with unparalleled reliability and performance. Our machine is easy to maintain and has good power support performance. It can control the pressure on the ground facing the crop and ground conditions by stretching the spring, or adjust the ground pressure through the joint plate. In addition to the quality and functional convenience you expect, our single side wheel rake also combine innovative features, advanced options, and exquisite styling. Shuoxin looks forward to establishing a business relationship with you.

Single Side Wheel Rake

ホットタグ: 片面ホイールレーキ、中国、メーカー、サプライヤー、工場、卸売、ブランド、中国製、品質、格安、耐久性
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